The healing use of magnets has been acknowledged worldwide, and it appears that there are as many treatment variations as there are people who use them. Due to the growing recognition of magnetic therapy, more definite studies and recommendations should become available over time. In this, we will describe how magnetic therapy work and effect to your body.
How does Magnetic Therapy work?
Some doctors believe that the magnetic field affects the iron component of blood, hemoglobin, thereby increasing circulation to the area where magnets are applied. So, the circulation of blood will be running smoothly and make your body feel healthy.
Another theory is that the magnetic field energizes and oxygenates the white corpuscles in the blood stream, and these white corpuscles are nature’s remedial agents. The charged ions increase the blood flow, which provides increased oxygenation to the blood. This increased oxygenation is the prevalent reason to enhancing your body's natural healing powers, and the results are less pain, decreased tenderness, and the prospect of increased energy level.
Where should we place magnets for relief?
There are three schools of thought about magnet placement:
• At the site of pain,
• At the site of pain and possible referring site, and Acupressure points.
The first method, at the site of pain, is clear - just put them where it hurts. Magnets seem to work best in "balanced" application, for example, on both sides of a sore knee or stiff neck. For this reason, many magnetic products for the elbows, wrists, and knees feature several opposing sets of magnets.
The second method, at the site of pain and possible referring site, is more complex. Knee pain may be caused by an undiagnosed hip problem, or a strained back may show up as shoulder or neck pain. For this reason, do not rely on magnetic devices as medical treatment. If you experience pain, consult a physician.
The third method, Acupressure points, requires either knowledge of acupuncture, or a good diagram of these points and plenty of patience.
Experts recommend you continue trying any and all combinations of these methods until relief is attained. Each human body is different, and will respond differently to any type of therapy.
Close to the Skin! The most important factor in placement is: Close to the Skin. There is an exponential decrease in the strength of a magnet field as the distance from the magnet increases. At a distance of 4 inches from the magnet, the field is less than 1/16th the rated strength of the magnet. This explains why hip joints seldom respond as well to magnetic therapy as do other, smaller joints!
Can magnetic therapy hurt me?
According to published clinical studies, magnet use has no side-effects. To be on the safe side, always consult your physician before beginning any type of therapy. Most magnetic products carry warning labels cautioning some potential users:
• People with pacemakers or other implanted medical devices should not use magnet therapy.
• Magnetic products are not recommended for use during pregnancy.
• Do not use magnetic products over an open wound, or in conjunction with any trans dermal drug patch.
• If soreness, rash, or an increase in pain occurs, discontinue use and contact your physician.
• Keep magnetic products at least six inches away from credit cards, computers, diskettes, magnetic tapes, video equipment, or similar items, as loss of data may result.
• If you need to clean a magnetic product, hand wash or wipe with gentle detergent; do not machine-wash magnetic items.
How strong should the magnets be?
Magnet strength is measured in units called gauss. For comparison the average "refrigerator magnet" may be anywhere from 10 to 100 gauss. Magnets used in therapeutic products vary from about 200 gauss to 2,500 gauss - and some even greater.
How quickly should I expect results?
It depends on how healthy are your body. The human body is complex - and each one slightly different from the next in terms of metabolism, likes and dislikes, reactions to food or medications, and so on. It only stands to reason that each human body will react differently to magnetic therapy. Some people experience immediate results, for some it may take days or weeks of consistent use to achieve results.
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